National Goalkeeping Coaches and National Coaches Forum

Dec 7, 2017 - Dec 9, 2017 | Coaching Course | Lancaster, PA, USA

2017 National Coaches Forum
Including NEW National Goalkeeping Coaches Forum
Spooky Nook Sports | Lancaster, Pa.

Thursday, December 7 - Saturday, December 9



"Keep an eye on the USA Field Hockey's website over the next couple of weeks as we introduce the presenters featured at this year’s [National] Coaches Forum. We hope that the lineup will provide a diverse, relevant and exciting two day program. Sign up now as spaces are limited, I look forward to seeing you there." - Craig Parnham, USA Field Hockey's Director of Coach Education and Learning

USA Field Hockey invites coaches to attend the fourth annual National Coaches Forum at Spooky Nook Sport in Lancaster, Pa. This year’s event includes the addition of an entire day focused specifically on goalkeeping coaching. The National Goalkeeping Coaches Forum will take place on Thursday, December 7 and the National Coaches Forum will be held on Friday, December 8 and Saturday, December 9. This year's Forum is open to Level 2 certified coaches and will include presentations from Craig Parnham, USA Field Hockey's Director of Coach Education and Learning, Janneke Schopman, USWNT Head Coach, and Rutger Wiese, USMNT Head Coach. There will also be a special guest presenter, Alan Olive, Director of 1 High Performance Coaching and one of the leading practitioners and consultants for various Olympic sports.

The inaugural National Goalkeeping Coaches Forum on Thursday, December 7, is a newly adopted professional development opportunity designed for goalkeeping coaches that have at least a basic understanding of the position. The focus will be on coaching development of goalkeepers of all levels. Program content will be delivered through a combination of practical on-field demonstrations and classroom-based workshops and will include:

  • Coaching the technical aspects of goalkeeping
  • Effective practice design for developing goalkeepers
  • Putting it all together - coaching goalkeepers in a team setting
Join Phil Edwards and Dave Williamson, U.S. Women's National Team Goalkeeping Staff, and Craig Parnham, USA Field Hockey's Director of Coach Education and Learning, for what promises to be an engaging professional development opportunity for all.

The National Coaches Forum is targeted primarily to high performance coaches who are interested in networking with and learning from the U.S. Men's and Women's National Team coaches and training staff. Traditionally a multiple day event, it will include the opportunity  to watch a narrated U.S. Women's National team practice, on-field technical work and classroom discussions facilitated by USA Field Hockey's Coach Education Team and the National Team Coaches and staff.
2017 Forum Skeleton Schedule:

Thursday, December 7
National Goalkeeping Coaches Forum

8:00 a.m. - Registration

8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. - Session (lunch included)

HUDL/Sportscode Gamebreaker Workshop | Click Here to Register

SportsCode Gamebreaker is the ideal solution for coaches and athletes who want to take the first step beyond tape-to-tape editing. Record it, play it, analyze it, edit it, then use it to achieve that winning edge.
For beginner, intermediate and advanced users - free for National Goalkeeping Coaches and/or National Coaches Forum Registrants.

Run by Phil Edwards, USWNT Assistant Coach and U-21 USWNT Head Coach, and Chris Leazier, Hudl Representative, this offering will have two workshops, one for beginner/intermediate users and one for advanced users.

5:45 p.m. - Registration

6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. - Beginner to Intermediate Users

7:15 p.m. Registration

7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. - Intermediate to Advanced Users

Friday, December 8
National Coaches Forum
For Level 2 certified or higher coaches, the NCF will include presentations from Craig Parnham, USA Field Hockey's Director of Coach Education and Learning, Janneke Schopman, USWNT Head Coach, and Rutger Wiese, USMNT Head Coach. There will also be a special guest presenter, Alan Olive, Director of 1 High Performance Coaching and one of the leading practitioners and consultants for various Olympic sports. 

8:15 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. - Registration

9:00 a.m. - 5:45 p.m. - Sessions (Dome & Classroom)

6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. - Coaches Social

Saturday, December 9
National Coaches Forum
8:45 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. - Session (Dome & Classroom)


Pricing Options:

National Goalkeeping Coaches Forum (Thursday Only): $125.00

National Coaches Forum (Friday and Saturday Only): $235.00

Both National Goalkeeping and National Coaches Forum (Thursday, Friday & Saturday): $325.00


Please email Liz Tchou, USA Field Hockey's Senior Manager of Coach Education, at if you have any questions.