Behind the Whistle

Behind the Whistle: Quick Quiz 2.0


by USA Field Hockey

Each week, USA Field Hockey's Umpiring Department will provide video clips for educational purposes on recent plays/calls.

Pop quiz time! Test your knowledge on these following scenarios.

Question 1

An attack player fouls inside their attacking circle and a free hit is awarded to the defense. The defender chooses to take the free hit quickly from inside the circle. The defender undercuts the ball and an opponent standing on the dotted circle line must take evasive action to avoid being hit high on the body. The umpire deems the play dangerous. The restart of play should be:

A. A free hit to the attack team at the dotted circle line

B. A free hit to the attack just outside the hard circle line

C. A penalty corner to the attack team

D. Play on as the distance it too far for danger

ANSWER: C: A penalty corner to the attack teamRule 9.8 - Players must not play the ball dangerously or in a way which leads to dangerous play. A ball is also considered dangerous when it causes legitimate evasive action by opponents. The penalty is awarded where the action causing the danger took place…Since the action causing the danger was inside the circle, thus the award of a penalty corner.

Question 2

Which statement is true…At the center pass players of both teams:

A. Can move freely once the whistle is blown to start play

B. Must stay on their side of the center line until the ball is played

C. Must be 5 meters/yards from the center pass

ANSWER: B: Must stay on their side of the center line until the ball is playedRule 6.4.d - Taking a center pass: the procedures for taking a free hit apply…Even though the whistle is blown, and time is started, the play does not officially start until the ball is played, therefore players must abide by the rule of staying on their side of the midway line until this occurs.

Question 3

A defending player inside their defending 23-meter/25-yard area but outside the circle intentionally kicks the ball away after the award of a free hit to the attack. The umpire should:

A. Award a free hit to the attack and verbally warn the defender

B. Award a free hit to the attack and card the defender

C. Award a penalty corner to the attack only.

D. Award a penalty corner to the attack and card the defender

ANSWER: D: Award a penalty corner to the attack and card the defender12.3.c - A penalty corner is awarded: for an intentional offense by a defender outside the circle but within the 23 meters area they are defending…Since the foul is intentional, thus the PC as the technical foul as per the rules. The card is for the misconduct of complete disregard for the rules and fair play. In this instance remember it is intentional, not by accident.

Question 4

On a penalty corner an attack player enters the circle before the ball is inserted. The umpire should:

A. Send the offending player to the center line

B. Reset the Penalty Corner and verbally warn the offender

C. Reset the Penalty Corner and card the offending player

D. Award a free hit to the defense

E. Reset the Penalty Corner and send the inserter to the center line.

ANSWER: E: Reset the Penalty Corner and send the inserter to the center lineRule 13.6.e - For an offense during the taking of a penalty corner: an attacker enters the circle before permitted, the player taking the push or hit from the backline is required to go beyond the centerline: the penalty corner is taken again…This may seem odd to some but was installed in the rules to have the penalty for the attack entering the circle too soon on a PC to be more equitable to that of the defense entering too soon who have to play down a player if they break too soon.

Question 5

The attack team is awarded a free hit just outside the 23-meter/25-yard area. The attacker hits the ball toward the circle. The ball is deflected by a defender just outside the circle and raises to about knee height. Inside the circle a defender gets hit on the knee with the ball and it travels to an attacker who immediately and legally puts the ball in the goal. The umpire should:

A. Award a free hit to the attack outside the circle where the first deflection happened

B. Award a Penalty Corner because of the defender’s use of the body inside the circle

C. Award the goal

D. Award a free hit to the defense from where the original free hit was taken

ANSWER: C: Award the goalRule 12.1 - Advantage: a penalty is awarded only when a player or team has been disadvantaged by an opponent breaking the Rules…Since the original deflection was from a defender and then the ball hits one of their teammates in the leg, there is no danger or disadvantage to the attack as the ball then goes to an area where the attack can shoot on goal legally. If the ball had stayed in the playing space of the defender hit by the ball and they retained possession, then a PC would be awarded as the defense gained an advantage from the ball hitting the leg. This instance is the proper application of the advantage rule.

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