USA Field Hockey Seeks Ethics & Judicial Committee Members


by USA Field Hockey

USA Field Hockey is seeking nominations for Ethics and Judicial Committee Members. Committee members meet quarterly and as needed, primarily to review and rule on grievances and other duties as outlined in the USA Field Hockey Bylaws. 


Eligibility Requirements:

Ethics and Judicial Committee Members shall satisfy the standards of independence for “Independent Directors” as set forth in Bylaw 5.6, Independence. You can read more about the Independence standards by clicking here



The Judicial Committee shall:

  • Generally administer and oversee all administrative grievances and right to compete matters filed with USA Field Hockey;
  • Generally administer and oversee all grievances related to any alleged violations of the U.S. Center for SafeSport’s rules, policies and procedures over which the U.S. Center for SafeSport has not exercised jurisdiction, pursuant to the procedures set forth in USA Field Hockey’s Complaint Procedures;
  • Generally administer and oversee all grievances related to any alleged violation of USA Field Hockey’s Athlete Safety Policy over which the U.S. Center for SafeSport has not exercised jurisdiction;
  • Identify individuals who would be fair and impartial and who would have the qualifications and ability to serve on hearing panels;
  • Appoint a panel of independent individuals to hear and render a decision on grievances and disciplinary matters; and
    • if disinterested, sit on hearing panels; and
  • Perform such other duties as assigned by the Board. 

The Ethics Committee shall

  • Oversee implementation of, and compliance with, USA Field Hockey’s Code of Conduct and Conflict of Interest Policy;
  • Report to the Board on all ethical issues;
  • Develop and review for Board approval, on an annual basis, a Conflict of Interest Policy for the Board, officers, standing committee and task force and working group members, volunteers, staff and member organizations, for adoption by the Board of Directors;
  • Review and investigate matters of ethical impropriety and make recommendations on such matters to the Board;
  • Review and provide guidance on ethical questions presented to it by the Board, officers, standing committee and task force and working group members, volunteers, staff and members of USA Field Hockey;
  • Review annual and periodic Conflict of Interest disclosure forms and determine if a conflict of interest exists as to any particular transaction, relationship, or matter involving USA Field Hockey;
  • Evaluate requests for approval under USA Field Hockey’s Gift and Entertainment Policy; and
  • Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Board.
  • The Ethics Committee will also determine whether a complaint submitted to it falls within its jurisdiction.  


Committee Member terms are two years and are staggered to provide for program continuity. Representatives agree to comply with the USA Field Hockey Code of Conduct and sign a USA Field Hockey Conflict of Interest form. Service is an unpaid volunteer position. 


Application Process:

All nominations are due by Wednesday, April 20, 2022. Late Applications will not be accepted. Once nominations are received, USA Field Hockey will distribute nominee information to current USA Field Hockey Board Members to appoint members to the Judicial or Ethics Committees. 


To Apply, please click here.

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