
11 Tips For The First-Time Coach

by USA Field Hockey

Content Courtesy of PCA

Youth sport organizations often rely on parent volunteers to coach the league’s teams. Despite the lack of experience many of these volunteers have, without their generosity of time and spirit kids would not have the opportunity to learn and play a sport.

If you are in this position, avoid overwhelm and instead focus on the 11 tips found in this document for first-time coaches. These may be the difference maker for you to enjoy the experience!

Tips include pre-season advice like letting your child know you’re considering coaching and being clear on your own goals. Putting some thought in before the season begins will help direct your strategy for practice and game planning.

This list also includes tricks of the trade like welcoming all kids to practice by name to make them feel important, and facing the sun when you talk in team huddles. These may seem like small adjustments, but they make a big difference when you’re dealing with young impressionable players, with short attention spans.

Finally, don’t forget that this can be hard! First-time coaches are often confronted with a harder-than-expected experience. Don’t get discouraged, give yourself a break and remain positive with yourself. Find other coaches and workshops to learn from, and remember how important a role you’re playing in the lives of young athletes.

For the full list of 11 tips, download the article below.