High School Field Hockey Season Modifications


by USA Field Hockey

Portions of this Content Courtesy of the NFHS

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. - Due to the ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, several state and sport associations have delayed, altered or postponed their fall 2020 sports seasons. To help navigate the ongoing changing landscape of high school fall seasons, USA Field Hockey has been in contact with regional and organizational leaders to help keep student-athletes, parents, coaches and followers up-to-date with the latest information. 

Refer to the list below for each state's current status of fall sports and how it effects the sport of field hockey. 

*This list will be continually updated.
** Updated: January 21, 2020

California: California Interscholastic Federation (CIF) season 1 scheduled to take place from January to April. Current protocols state that any participating country at the "substantial" level or below may participate in field hockey. 

Colorado: Season has been postponed until March 8, 2021.

  • During a meeting on September 16, 2020, the Colorado High School State Athletic Association (CHSAA) Board of Directors voted to approve variances from the Governor's COVID Response Team which will provide member schools with the local option to play field hockey, football and sideline spirit during the fall (Season A) season. Read more.
  • Following a series of meetings over multiple days, the 15 schools that play field hockey came to a consensus decision that the sport would play in Season C this spring. Read more.

Connecticut: Team practices begin September 21. Games may begin October 1.

Delaware: Following an amended emergency declaration on September 18, fall seasons began September 28. Field hockey is permitted to have up to 12 contests.

Season has been postponed to the spring of 2021.

Season currently scheduled to begin August 24.

Maine: Season currently scheduled to begin September 8.

Maryland/Washington D.C.

  • Interscholastic Athletic Association of Maryland (IAAM): All fall athletic competitions and champions have been postponed. The MIAA and IAAM Board of Governors voted on Friday, October 9, 2020 by school leadership from both leagues and an “Open Season” approach resulted. Under this approach, the leagues will not provide official league schedules but will provide member schools the opportunity to create student-athlete involvement and competition within the comfort level determined by each school. The type and amount of activities made available will be at the discretion of each school.
  • Maryland Public Secondary Schools Athletic Association (MPSSAA): The Baltimore County Board of Education passed a motion on January 19 to begin the high school fall sports season on Saturday, Feb. 13, regardless of the status of reopening high school buildings, assuming the COVID-19 metrics continue trending in the right direction.
  • Washington Catholic Athletic Conference (WCAC): Fall 2020 season has been canceled. Scheduling options are currently being explored.

Massachusetts: Season currently scheduled to begin September 18. The Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association (MIAA) has also released modified rules for fall sports. Click here for field hockey modifications.

Michigan: Season currently underway.

District assignments for fall seasons will be released September 18. Member schools have until September 11 to notify if there is a sport that will not be able to participate in the postseason

New England Preparatory School Athletic Council (NEPSAC): Fall championships are canceled. Schools can now also use the normal NEPSAC post-season week (November 6-12) in order to schedule additional fall play if they so desire.

New Hampshire: First date to practice is September 8, with field hockey, classified as a moderate risk sport, scheduled to begin the season on September 18.

New JerseySeason is currently scheduled to begin October 1. All outdoor fall sports will start practice on September 14.

New YorkPractice and play may begin effective September 21, 2020. However, travel for practice or play is prohibited outside of the school’s region or contiguous regions/counties until October 19, 2020.

North Carolina: 

Ohio: Season scheduled to begin August 21.

  • Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association (PIAA): Season scheduled to begin August 24.
  • Pennsylvania Independent Schools Athletic Association (PAISAA): the PAISAA Executive Board voted unanimously to cancel all PAISAA Fall 2020 Championship events. Given recent decisions by individual schools and collective leagues, along with the uncertainty regarding Commonwealth guidance and directives, it is not feasible to plan to stage and execute championship events and tournaments.

Rhode Island: Season currently scheduled to begin September 14.


Vermont: All Vermont schools will begin the academic year in Step II and the decision to move to Step III will be determined by the Department of Health. It should be anticipated that schools will be in Step II for a minimum of two weeks after school opens for academic instruction. Games and meets may only occur between or involve Vermont-based teams or teams from counties eligible for quarantine-free travel, based on the most recent map published by the Agency of Commerce and Community Development.

Field hockey may hold team practice sessions, inter-squad scrimmages within a school program and interscholastic games. “Jamboree” or tournament-style play (one team playing multiple games vs multiple opponents in a single day/weekend) is not currently permitted.


WisconsinSeason currently scheduled to begin August 20.

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